Personal Belongings

Personal belongings for a child should be limited to an extra set of clothes, backpack (for Preschool, Pre- K, and Kindergarten), lunchbox, coat, blankets or bedroll for nap time, and if necessary ONE security item to sleep with a nap. Toys from home should not be brought into school except for “Show and Share” days.

For Show and Share, educational toys or toys based on the monthly or weekly themes of the classroom are preferred.

Books from home are always welcome any day.

Toys with weapons or toys which promote violence in any form will NOT be permitted at MLC. NO EXCEPTIONS. At the teacher or Director's discretion, unsuitable toys will be taken to the Director’s office to be picked up by the parent at the end of the day or locked in a closet until pick-up time.

No item which is not suitable for ages under three should ever be brought into the toddler classrooms, even if it is a “security “item for a child. Toys with small parts (for example, small cars, dolls with small accessories or parts, ect.) pose a choking hazard for all the children. These toys may not even be kept in the child’s cubby. If unsafe toys are brought in, the parent will be asked to take them with them at drop- off time or the toy will be locked up in a closet for safety reasons.

One of the goals in all our classrooms is to teach a sense of "community". MLC is wellequipped with an array of toys which are shared by our school community. There is no need for additional toys from home to be brought in on “non- ‘show and share’ days”. This policy is to prevent a child’s personal toys from being broken or “claimed” by another child.

Open Door Policy

The program at MLC has an open-door policy, inviting and encouraging parents to visit the program during the day to observe their children.

Parents are welcome to call the center at any time to inquire about their child’s health, behavior, mood, progress, etc. Whenever possible, a parent may speak directly to the child's teacher or the director at any time.
