Child Safety

All new children will be placed on a two-week trial period. If emotional, physical, or social behavior presents a problem for the safety of other children or interrupts classroom activities, it may be necessary for childcare to be terminated with no refund to the fees paid.

Release of Children

A child cannot be picked up by anyone other than those designated on their child release forms. Any person may be asked to show a picture ID. If a parent/guardian allows anyone to pick up their child that is not on the Child’s Release form (a relative from out of town, a friend of the family, etc.), the parent/guardian must give the teacher a written a note about the change. A copy of the letter will be placed in the child’s record. A photo I.D. will be required before the child is released.

Unauthorized Pickup of a Child

If an unauthorized person or one who is incapacitated or suspected of abuse attempts to pick up a child, the center will not release the child to that person. If the person attempts to use force, 9-1-1 will be called.